Though we are all called to be “Christ’s Ambassadors” wherever we may be, Valleyview Church recognizes the importance of supporting those who are called to serve in specific missions – both locally and over-seas. A significant portion of our general-fund offerings each month is set aside for the support of missions.
Listed below are missions that we support on an on-going, monthly basis. Many of these organizations have websites where you can learn more about their work.
If you have questions about any of these, and are unable to find the information you need, please let us know via our contact page.

Crossministries Int'l
Cross Ministries works in Russia, Ukraine, as well as many other countries, by empowering leaders and creating power disciple-makers.

His Feet
His Feet International works with Unreached People Groups that are located in a geographical region referred to as the 10/40 Window, a rectangular area between the north latitude lines of 10- and 40-degrees, which encompasses North Africa, the Middle East and all of South Asia.

Vision for Africa Missions
Vision For Africa Missions is a multi-faceted ministry based out of South Africa. VFA Missions connects relationally to churches and leaders in many different denominations, people groups and cultures. Our primary vision is to see the lost saved and set free through the love of the Father and the cross of Jesus Christ.

Jeff and Bethany Mootz
Jeff and Bethany are Directors and Prayer Missionaries at Underground House of Prayer and Encounter Church in Sioux Falls, SD. They are passionate about discipling believers in lifestyles of the 1st commandment, encountering God, revival prayer, community, and godly families.

Dayton Gospel Mission
The Gospel Mission operates a comprehensive inner-city mission near downtown Dayton, Ohio. It is open to men and women, young and old, of any race, belief, or circumstance.

Hope Rising (formerly Dayton Women's Center)
At Hope Rising, our mission is to provide women facing unplanned pregnancies with free care, support, and the resources they need to move forward in this new journey. If you think you may be pregnant, we are here to help you in any way we can.